电脑基础 · 2023年4月3日
















  1. How much does it cost to use ChatGPT?

    1. The research preview of ChatGPT is free to use.
  2. How does ChatGPT work?

    1. ChatGPT is fine-tuned from GPT-3.5, a language model trained to produce text. ChatGPT was optimized for dialogue by using Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF) – a method that uses human demonstrations to guide the model toward desired behavior.
  3. Why does the AI seem so real and lifelike?

    1. These models were trained on vast amounts of data from the internet written by humans, including conversations, so the responses it provides may sound human-like. It is important to keep in mind that this is a direct result of the system's design (i.e. maximizing the similarity between outputs and the dataset the models were trained on) and that such outputs may be inaccurate, untruthful, and otherwise misleading at times.
  4. Can I trust that the AI is telling me the truth?

    1. ChatGPT is not connected to the internet, and it can occasionally produce incorrect answers. It has limited knowledge of world and events after 2021 and may also occasionally produce harmful instructions or biased content.

We'd recommend checking whether responses from the model are accurate or not. If you find an answer is incorrect, please provide that feedback by using the "Thumbs Down" button.

  1. Who can view my conversations?

    1. As part of our commitment to safe and responsible AI, we review conversations to improve our systems and to ensure the content complies with our policies and safety requirements.
  2. Will you use my conversations for training?

    1. Yes. Your conversations may be reviewed by our AI trainers to improve our systems.
  3. Can you delete my data?

    1. Yes, please follow the data deletion process.
  4. Can you delete specific prompts?

    1. No, we are not able to delete specific prompts from your history. Please don't share any sensitive information in your conversations.
  5. Can I see my history of threads? How can I save a conversation I’ve had?

    1. Yes, you can now view and continue your past conversations.
  6. Where do you save my personal and conversation data?

    1. For more information on how we handle data, please see our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
  7. How can I implement this? Is there any implementation guide for this?

    1. ChatGPT is being made available as a research preview so we can learn about its strengths and weaknesses. It is not available in the API.
  8. Do I need a new account if I already have a Labs or Playground account?

    1. If you have an existing account at labs.openai.com or beta.openai.com, then you can login directly at chat.openai.com using the same login information. If you don't have an account, you'll need to sign-up for a new account at chat.openai.com.
  9. Why did ChatGPT give me an answer that’s not related to my question?

    1. ChatGPT will occasionally make up facts or “hallucinate” outputs. If you find an answer is unrelated, please provide that feedback by using the "Thumbs Down" button
  10. Can I use output from ChatGPT for commercial uses?

    1. Subject to the Content Policy and Terms, you own the output you create with ChatGPT, including the right to reprint, sell, and merchandise – regardless of whether output was generated through a free or paid plan.


  1. 使用 ChatGPT 需要多少费用?

    1. ChatGPT 的研究预览版可免费使用。
  2. ChatGPT 如何运作?

    1. ChatGPT 是根据 GPT-3.5 进行微调的,GPT-3.5 是一种经过训练可生成文本的语言模型。ChatGPT 通过使用人类反馈强化学习 (RLHF) 针对对话进行了优化——一种使用人类演示来引导模型朝着期望的行为发展的方法。
  3. 为什么人工智能看起来如此真实和栩栩如生?

    1. 这些模型是根据人类编写的来自互联网的大量数据(包括对话)进行训练的,因此它提供的响应可能听起来像人类。重要的是要记住,这是系统设计的直接结果(即最大化输出与训练模型的数据集之间的相似性),并且此类输出有时可能不准确、不真实,并且有时会产生误导。
  4. 我可以相信 AI 说的是实话吗?

    1. ChatGPT 没有连接到互联网,它偶尔会产生错误的答案。它对 2021 年之后的世界和事件的了解有限,也可能偶尔会产生有害的指令或有偏见的内容。


  1. 谁可以查看我的对话?

    1. 作为我们对安全和负责任的 AI 承诺的一部分,我们审查对话以改进我们的系统并确保内容符合我们的政策和安全要求。
  2. 你会用我的对话来训练吗?

    1. 是的。我们的 AI 培训师可能会审查您的对话,以改进我们的系统。
  3. 你能删除我的数据吗?

    1. 是的,请遵循数据删除流程
  4. 你能删除特定的提示吗?

    1. 不,我们无法从您的历史记录中删除特定提示。请不要在谈话中分享任何敏感信息。
  5. 我可以查看线程的历史记录吗?如何保存我进行过的对话?

    1. 是的,您现在可以查看并继续您过去的对话。
  6. 你们在哪里保存我的个人和对话数据?

    1. 有关我们如何处理数据的更多信息,请参阅我们的隐私政策使用条款
  7. 我该如何实施?有没有这方面的实施指南?

    1. ChatGPT 正在作为研究预览提供,以便我们了解它的优点和缺点。它在 API 中不可用。
  8. 如果我已经有 Labs 或 Playground 帐户,还需要一个新帐户吗?

    1. 如果您在labs.openai.combeta.openai.com已有帐户,则可以使用相同的登录信息直接登录chat.openai.com 。如果您没有帐户,则需要在chat.openai.com上注册一个新帐户。
  9. 为什么 ChatGPT 给我的答案与我的问题无关?

    1. ChatGPT 偶尔会编造事实或“幻觉”输出。如果您发现答案不相关,请使用“不满意”按钮提供反馈
  10. 我可以将 ChatGPT 的输出用于商业用途吗?

    1. 根据内容政策条款,您拥有使用 ChatGPT 创建的输出,包括转载、销售和商品化的权利——无论输出是通过免费还是付费计划生成的。


Release Notes (Feb 9)

As we recently announced, our Plus plan comes with early access to new, experimental features. We are beginning to roll out a way for Plus users the ability to choose between different versions of ChatGPT:

  • Default: the standard ChatGPT model
  • Turbo: optimized for speed (alpha)

Version selection is made easy with a dedicated dropdown menu at the top of the page. Depending on feedback, we may roll out this feature (or just Turbo) to all users soon.

Release Notes (Jan 30)

We’ve upgraded the ChatGPT model with improved factuality and mathematical capabilities.

Release Notes (Jan 9)

We're excited to announce several updates to ChatGPT! Here's what's new:

  1. We made more improvements to the ChatGPT model! It should be generally better across a wide range of topics and has improved factuality.
  2. Stop generating: Based on your feedback, we've added the ability to stop generating ChatGPT's response

Release Notes (Dec 15)

We're excited to announce several updates to ChatGPT! Here's what's new:

  1. General performance: Among other improvements, users will notice that ChatGPT is now less likely to refuse to answer questions.
  2. Conversation history: You’ll soon be able to view past conversations with ChatGPT, rename your saved conversations and delete the ones you don’t want to keep. We are gradually rolling out this feature.
  3. Daily limit: To ensure a high-quality experience for all ChatGPT users, we are experimenting with a daily message cap. If you’re included in this group, you’ll be presented with an option to extend your access by providing feedback to ChatGPT.

To see if you’re using the updated version, look for “ChatGPT Dec 15 Version” at the bottom of the screen.


发行说明(2 月 9 日)

正如我们最近宣布的那样,我们的 Plus 计划可以抢先体验新的实验性功能。我们开始推出一种方法,让 Plus 用户能够在不同版本的 ChatGPT 之间进行选择:

  • 默认值:标准 ChatGPT 模型
  • Turbo:优化速度(alpha)

通过页面顶部的专用下拉菜单,可以轻松选择版本。根据反馈,我们可能会很快向所有用户推出此功能(或只是 Turbo)。

发行说明(1 月 30 日)

我们升级了 ChatGPT 模型,提高了事实性和数学能力。

发行说明(1 月 9 日)

我们很高兴地宣布对 ChatGPT 进行多项更新!这是新功能:

  1. 我们对 ChatGPT 模型进行了更多改进!它应该在广泛的主题上普遍更好,并且提高了真实性。
  2. 停止生成:根据您的反馈,我们添加了停止生成 ChatGPT 响应的功能

发行说明(12 月 15 日)

我们很高兴地宣布对 ChatGPT 进行多项更新!这是新功能:

  1. 一般性能:除其他改进外,用户会注意到 ChatGPT 现在不太可能拒绝回答问题。
  2. 对话历史记录:您很快就可以使用 ChatGPT 查看过去的对话、重命名已保存的对话并删除不想保留的对话。我们正在逐步推出此功能。
  3. 每日限制:为确保所有 ChatGPT 用户的高质量体验,我们正在试验每日消息上限。如果您属于该组,您将看到一个选项,可以通过向 ChatGPT 提供反馈来扩展您的访问权限。

要查看您是否使用更新版本,请在屏幕底部查找“ChatGPT Dec 15 Version”。

ChatGPT Plus版本介绍

  1. What is ChatGPT Plus?

    1. ChatGPT Plus is a pilot subscription plan for ChatGPT. It offers availability even when demand is high, faster response speed, and priority access to new features.
  2. Is the free version still available?

    1. Yes, free access to ChatGPT will still be provided. By offering this subscription pricing, we will be able to help support free access availability to as many people as possible. See our general ChatGPT article for more information on our free offering.
  1. When can I get off the waitlist?

    1. We're inviting users in small groups, based on capacity and availability. We don't have a fixed schedule, so we can't tell you exactly when you'll get your invite. But don't worry, we won't forget you. We're grateful for your patience and excitement.
  2. How can I cancel my subscription?

    1. You may cancel your subscription at any time. Click “My Account” in the sidebar. Then click “Manage my subscription” in the pop-up window. You’ll be directed to a Stripe checkout page where you can select “Cancel Plan”. Your cancellation will take effect the day after the next billing date. You can continue using our services until then. To avoid being charged for your next billing period, cancel your subscription at least 24 hours before your next billing date. Subscription fees are non-refundable.
  3. What is the refund policy?

    1. Subscription fees are non-refundable.
  4. How can I request a VAT tax refund?

    1. Please email customer-tax@openai.com with your billing information (name, email, and billing address) and "VAT Tax Refund" in the subject line.
  5. My account got terminated. Can I get a refund?

    1. If we terminate your account for violating our Terms of Use, you still owe any unpaid fees, and will not be given a refund for any remaining credit or prepaid service.
  6. I still haven’t got access to ChatGPT Plus. When can I get access?

    1. We are gradually rolling out paid subscriptions to all users, starting with the United States. In the meantime, you can sign up to our waitlist. We appreciate your patience as we ramp up!
  7. How can I opt out my data to improve model performance?

    1. Please fill out this form. Additionally, you may request your account to be deleted at any time.
  8. Where can I find my invoice for ChatGPT Plus?

    1. Receipts for credit purchases made are sent to the email address you used when making the purchase. You may also view your invoices from the sidebar by clicking "My Account" and then "Manage my subscription".
  9. Are alternate payment options available?

    1. At this time, we only accept payment via credit card.
  10. I want to use ChatGPT Plus with sensitive data. Who can view my conversations?

    1. As part of our commitment to safe and responsible AI, we may review conversations to improve our systems and to ensure the content complies with our policies and safety requirements. For more information on how we handle data, please see our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.


  1. 什么是 ChatGPT Plus?

    1. ChatGPT Plus 是 ChatGPT 的试点订阅计划。即使在需求很高时,它也能提供可用性、更快的响应速度以及对新功能的优先访问权。
  2. 免费版本仍然可用吗?

    1. 是的,仍将提供对 ChatGPT 的免费访问。通过提供此订阅价格,我们将能够帮助支持尽可能多的人免费访问。有关我们免费提供的更多信息,请参阅我们的一般 ChatGPT 文章。
  1. 我什么时候可以退出候补名单?

    1. 我们根据容量和可用性以小组形式邀请用户。我们没有固定的时间表,因此我们无法准确告诉您何时会收到邀请。不过别担心,我们不会忘记你的。我们感谢您的耐心和兴奋。
  2. 我怎样才能取消我的订阅?

    1. 您可以随时取消订阅。单击侧边栏中的“我的帐户” 。然后在弹出窗口中单击“管理我的订阅”。您将被引导至 Stripe 结帐页面,您可以在其中选择“取消计划”。您的取消将在下一个计费日期后的第二天生效。在此之前,您可以继续使用我们的服务。为避免在下一个计费周期被收费,请在下一个计费日期前至少 24 小时取消订阅。订阅费不可退还。
  3. 退款政策是什么?

    1. 订阅费不可退还。
  4. 如何申请增值税退税?

    1. 请发送电子邮件至customer-tax@openai.com,并在主题行中注明您的账单信息(姓名、电子邮件和账单地址)和“增值税退税”。
  5. 我的帐户被终止了。我可以获得退款吗?

    1. 如果我们因违反我们的使用条款而终止您的帐户,您仍欠任何未付费用,并且不会就任何剩余的信用额度或预付费服务获得退款。
  6. 我仍然无法访问 ChatGPT Plus。我什么时候可以访问?

    1. 从美国开始,我们将逐步向所有用户推出付费订阅。同时,您可以注册我们的候补名单。感谢您在我们升级过程中的耐心等待!
  7. 如何选择退出我的数据以提高模型性能?

    1. 请填写这张表格。此外,您可以随时要求删除您的帐户
  8. 我在哪里可以找到 ChatGPT Plus 的发票?

    1. 信用购买的收据将发送到您购买时使用的电子邮件地址。您还可以通过单击“我的帐户”然后单击“管理我的订阅”从侧边栏查看您的发票。
  9. 是否提供其他付款方式?

    1. 目前,我们只接受信用卡付款。
  10. 我想对敏感数据使用 ChatGPT Plus。谁可以查看我的对话?

    1. 作为我们对安全和负责任的 AI 承诺的一部分,我们可能会审查对话以改进我们的系统并确保内容符合我们的政策和安全要求。有关我们如何处理数据的更多信息,请参阅我们的隐私政策使用条款